We are created to be connected to God, to be dependent on Him in every area of our lives. This is how life is best lived. In fact, it's the only way to find true life. The Well exists to help people connect to God the Father through a relationship with Jesus Christ, and reliance on the Holy Spirit. With a strong focus on God’s Word, we seek to know God in an intimate way that is relevant and meaningful in our everyday lives.
God is a God of community. He eternally exists in community as the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and has created people to be communal like Him. This is why human beings have an innate desire to connect, to experience dynamic relationships with one another. And the church is made up of a body of believers interdependent upon Jesus as the head of the body. This body is only as healthy as the healthy connections we have with each other. The Bible gives us huge insights into these relationships. At The Well, we are committed to helping people connect to others in the body of Christ. In a world where so many things seek to divide people, we come together to live life as one body… one movement for God’s purposes!
When we talk about “every neighborhood”, we are simply stating that ALL people need to be connected to God and to each other, wherever they are and whoever they are. At The Well we define “neighborhood” as where we live, work, learn and/or play. In other words, we want to see God use us for His missional purposes in every area of our community and around the world. We are a body of believers that are committed to more than just an hour a week in a church gathering. We want to be used by God, on mission, on a daily basis, wherever we are!
When we think of the "mission" of an organization, many think of what that organization is offering to do for them. And, while it's true that we hope you will find yourself better connected to God and to others in the body of Christ as time goes by with us, this is not the idea of OUR mission. It's not about an organization helping you. WE are the organization. If you become family here, YOU are a part of the organization. In other words, this mission is meant to be YOUR mission. If it excites you to become part of a movement where you are helping others connect to God and to each other in every one of your neighborhoods-where you live, work, learn, and play-then the Well may be the place for you.