Sunday June 16, 2022

12pm - Arrive at the Little Theatre at KHS (1900 18th Ave, Kingsburg, CA)

(Lunch will not be provided, please arrange for student to eat lunch before drop off)

12pm - 1pm - Luggage drop off / Check -in / Health Screening / Parent & Student Expectations & Prayer Time

*Parents, please don’t leave until after Parent & Student Expectation & Prayer Time

1pm - Depart for Hume Lake
2:30pm - Arrive at Hume Lake (Hume will email you when you student is checked in)

Saturday June 22nd, 2024

9:30am - Load buses at Hume Lake Christian Camps
10am - Depart Hume Lake
12pm - Arrive at the Little Theater (1900 18th Ave, Kingsburg, CA).

A few other things!

Mark outside of your bags with: STUDENT NAME, The Well Kingsburg, Meadow Ranch or Ponderosa Camp

Medication: If you listed any medications for your student when you registered on Hume’s website, they MUST be given to us at Sunday Check-in in a Ziploc bag clearly labeled with STUDENT NAME, appropriate usage (when and how often), The Well Kingsburg and Meadow Ranch or Ponderosa Camp.

• LUNCH IS NOT PROVIDED on departure day, so please have students eat before!
• Questions? Contact Jake Osborne (909)732-3860 OR Roslyn Coray (559) 706-9654 with any questions regarding Meadow Ranch (JH) or Ponderosa (HS)!

 Meadow Ranch/Ponderosa Packing List & Important Info

*Please read this whole document!

Here is a list to help you pack and get ready for Hume! Pack for spending a week in the mountains, warm days & cool nights. We appreciate your cooperation in following Hume Lake’s modesty guidelines and expectations.

  •      Suitcase (1)

  •      Backpack/ daypack

  •      Pillow

  •      Sleeping Bag

  •      Shower Towel (1-2)

  •      Swimming Towel

  •      Swimsuit (Swimsuit definition: One-piece, or shirt & board shorts. Modest, no sagging, no tankini, no bikini)

  •      Comfortable athletic shoes (closed toe and shoes that can get dirty)

  •      Watch

  •      Sunblock

  •      Chapstick

  •      Bug Spray

  •      Flashlight

  •      Sandals

  •      Changes of clothing (no spaghetti straps, no midriffs, modest shorts length 4” + inseam, modest tightness of clothing, no sagging, no yoga pants/ leggings)

  •      Sweatshirt or Jacket

  •      Toiletries (Shampoo, soap, toothbrush & toothpaste and deodorant)

  •      Bible (Bible can be provided upon request, just let us know 

  •      Notebook

  •      Pen

  •      Spirit Clothes – see second bullet point below

More Important Info – Please Read!

o   This Year’s Theme at Camp: This year, we will be studying the book of Daniel and as we study his life, we will see an incredible example of living out faith with resilience! As we learn from Daniel’s life, our prayer is that we would have a better understanding of what it means to live in a hostile culture without compromise and that our faith would be one of resilience, able to withstand and recover quickly from difficult conditions.

o   Spirit Clothes for this year’s super Spirit Day: “Under the Sea.” We will find out what teams we are on upon arrival so try to bring some clothing items of each color (bandanas and accessories like that are great ideas).

o   Meadow Ranch (Jr High): the team colors are Orange and Teal

o   Ponderosa (High School): the team colors are Yellow and Green

o   Spending Money ($10-$15/ day is recommended)

o   Mark outside of your bags with: YOUR NAME, The Well Kingsburg, Meadow Ranch or Ponderosa

o   If you listed any medications when you registered your medical information on Hume’s website, they MUST be given to us in a Ziploc bag clearly labeled with YOUR NAME, the appropriate usage, The Well Kingsburg, and Meadow Ranch or Ponderosa

Do not bring: Drugs (unless prescribed by a doctor), alcohol, tobacco, fireworks, firearms, electronic devices (cell phone policy below, MP3 players, E-readers, handheld video games, etc.) Part of what makes this week so good is no electronics. Parents, please ensure your students do not bring them.  

Cell phones will NOT be allowed at camp. Hume Lake has a no electronics policy and there is no cell phone signal at Hume. I understand that students like to use their phones for pictures and I assure you that leaders will be able to take pictures for students. This is a fantastic opportunity for students to get away from technology for this week. There are pay phones available for calls home and Jake will have WiFi access to communicate with any parents. Disposable cameras are a great option for pictures for students also! 

*Contact Jake Osborne (909)732-3860 OR Roslyn Coray (559) 706-9654 with any questions regarding Meadow Ranch (JH) or Ponderosa (HS)!