Jake Osborne Missions / Youth Pastor


Jake and Jamie got married in 2016 and have two little ones named Cove and Stevie Jo. Jake and Jamie both have undergraduate degrees in christian ministry, while Jake graduated with a masters in Christian leadership in ministry from Vanguard University in 2022. Jake was born and raised in Chino California, while Jamie grew up as a Kingsburg native. Her whole family lives in town and they love to spend time together.

Jake is passionate about seeing people of all age grow deeper in their love for Jesus- but he has the most fun hanging out with students. Seeing ‘a-ha’ moments creates an excitement for church in him, and he just wants to be there when students make greater steps of faith. Jake loves to preach and make friends (he’s 100% extroverted) so you will never be bothering him if you want to hang out!

For student ministry, Jake and Jamie care about four things: Faith, Family, Friendship, and Fun. Everything they do in church is to benefit those four things- so you can know it’s going to be worth it!

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